Day 55 – 300 Steps to Greatness


Since I am still without my Mac”boo”k Pro, I spend a considerable amount of time reading. I recently picked up where I left off on a Collections of Books “The Complete Conversations with God – an uncommon dialogue”

The volume is comprised of three books and I am on the second book.

My history with books has been that no matter when I purchase a book, at the very moment I pick it up – whether it’s the next day, week, month, year or longer, the moment I begin reading, I get exactly what I need.

Other than the Bible, the two books that have impacted me MOST in that way are The Celestine Prophecy and Conversations with God.

So, today I picked up the book and I could not find the book mark. The next thing that happened, startled me.

Yesterday, during my prayer time I asked God what should be my next move. What platform should I pitch to next and what should it be. As often happens, in response to my prayer, I woke up with the calm assurance of a reminder of a magazine that I had been invited to pitch a few months back.

When I picked up the book, a sheet of paper fell out *okay, excuse me, while I get tissue*

On the piece of paper were my handwritten notes from two years ago. On the top of the page, in handwriting OTHER THAN MY OWN, was the contact information for the magazine God had reminded me to pitch to. *sniffles*

I’m so glad I don’t have my MacBook. I might have missed this moment!

Make time for quiet time with God. And make sure you pray EXPECTING to be answered. The LISTEN, the answer is often right in front of you.


Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

2 thoughts on “Day 55 – 300 Steps to Greatness

  1. The great thing about God (and the same thing that sometimes drives me crazy) os that He works on His own time. There have been times where I thought I was ready for a certain position or relationship or blessing and God kept me right where He wanted me to be. He is super awesome in the way He prepares us to receive blessing after blessing.

    Today is already a blessing!



    • Apologies! I thought I replied to your comment days ago. This is so true – although it’s difficult at times, we shouldn’t question our path – as long as we are following his lead we will show up when/where we are supposed to be!


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