Salads are life.


But that doesn’t mean they have to be boring.

Or that you shouldn’t know how to cook.

I started a food blog in 2015.
And sent out exactly ONE newsletter. Why?

Because I wasn’t ready.
Food Blogging is hard, y’all!

I have spent a lot of time over the past two years learning about food photography, crafting new recipes and learning from some of the best foodie blogs on the interwebs.

And, I invested in my craft.

I got a hella expensive camera that I am still learning to use (but will probably sell because these pics are iPhone 7 and that portrait mode is UH-MAY-ZING – I digress 👀).

More importantly, I hired to give my brand a supa dupa fly professional look AND we are working onna Bad Mamma Jamma Website!

So, enjoy your summer.

But come September 1, get ready to rock summa my recipes. There will be something for each of your tastebuds.

But, you can only see them if you subscribe.

Head on over to to sign up online.

And/or follow @thatcookingchic on IG.

Cuz, you know you wanna !