Successfully Successful™


Successfully Successful Episode 100

Years ago, I had a pretty successful BlogTalk radio show called “Musings of a Muse”.  I’ve been struggling with the decision to return to the airwaves and guess what y’all? I am DOING it!

Successfully Successful” was created specifically with women entrepreneurs in mind.  It is a faith based show in that I use the Bible as a guide to entrepreneurship, however, there is something for everyone. Although the official launch isn’t until 9/1 – I wanted to share the first episode as it will tell you more about the show and help you decide whether or not you’d like to subscribe.

As with the introductory show above, each episode will be 10 minutes or less and hopefully inspire you to become and remain successfully successful!

In the meantime, you can also check out past episodes of my old show, still on iTunes AND subscribe directly to Successfully Successful by clicking below!


You can also sign up to follow the series on SoundCloud!