Day 2 AM – 300 Steps to Greatness


Okay, clearly this habit hasn’t kicked in yet – I’m exhausted this morning, yet excited at the same time.  It’s not my energy level that got me going today!




Today IS the first day of the best, blessed days of your life and the last of the worst, cursed!

Last night was the first of several radio shows dedicated to this project.  The wonderful Shawna Marie co-hosted and we were joined by some of those who have posted their goals online and others who just wanted to know what “300 Steps” is all about.  Shawna Marie is one of my inspirations and encouragers and I’m grateful that she adds value to this project.  If you want to learn more about her and Healing Truth Center, click here.

We discussed the mission of the project – to provide a forum for people of like minds to encourage one another in meeting daily goals in order to ensure success for a lifetime.  The habits we develop will stay with us far beyond 300 days and will catapult us into the greatness that we were each created for.

I announced our first group challenge:  To re-evaluate our relationships, in light of the effect they can have in meeting our goals.

In case you missed it, you can click  here or on the Blogtalk Radio Player on this page for the episode “300 Steps to Greatness”.  We will have another show, where you can call in and participate or join us in the chat room on Day 30 and every 30 days thereafter.  Each episode will feature a special co-host chosen specifically to help us meet our goals.

On day 150 of the challenge, we will host an event – which will include celebrations of our accomplishments and a chance for us to meet and encourage one another in a social environment.  I truly appreciate all who are walking with me and can’t wait to meet you face to face.

As mentioned on the show, this project depends on the interactions of those involved, so feel free to leave comments or suggestions at any time and encourage another person whose goals are similar to yours or where you have advice to offer.

Last night as I was replying to those who had posted their goals, my son asked about the project and once I explained to him what it was, he asked what my goals for today where.  He then informed me that I needed to add something for him to my goals, but, doesn’t’ want it publicized, therefore, the ambiguity of my first goal:

  1. Do something for my son.
  2. Exercise (ughhhhh)
  3. Read Daymond John’s  “The Brand Within” (especially since I didn’t read yesterday!)
  4. Complete one interview and two articles for submission.
  5. Prepare for a meeting about a live animated children’s script.

While completing my list this morning, I realized that I have an additional goal I need to work on overall. I need to carve out some “me” time to do the things that I enjoy.  My challenge is that the things that I enjoy tend to be related to my goals, i.e. writing, reading, etc. however, I rarely do them just for fun, it’s always related to work or a project.

So, I need help from you folks here – how do you spend “me” time while focusing on your goals and dreams?  What suggestions do you have for me to break away from working so much and enjoying the day?

9 thoughts on “Day 2 AM – 300 Steps to Greatness

  1. Queenie

    It’s so funny because yesterday one of my small goals was to read the Bible. Since I wrote it down, it actually encouraged and reminded me to read last night. Which I’m hoping will turn into a habit that I do every night.

    Today I had an interview w/ a network (I’m crossing my fingers) and I went food shopping.

    My goals for the rest of the day are to:

    Continue reading my book “The Little Black Book of Success”
    Read another passage of the Bible, before I sleep
    Read a written script for a movie, just to go over the format
    Cook a meal
    And …..meditate on me and my life. Which will be my “me” time…

    Day 2 of my “Steps to Greatness!!! Stay Blessed everyone =)


    • Hey Queen! So excited about your interview – you are stepping towards greatness daily! If you ever want to read a certain script in particular, I have a few resources for that! I love how everyone is finding “me” time today! ALL of you inspire me so much 🙂


  2. I am so very late with this post. This morning I had been actually taking some small steps toward my goals. I believe I’ve found a few Zumba classes that fit with my work schedule (6a-2p, 6 days/wk). I’m currently having my hair braided so I don’t have to worry about that for a while- and many of us know the time hair maintenance can take from our lives. I’ll be done soon so in preparation for what I’m calling “The Storm of the Century” (I’m in Philadelphia) I’m going to stop at the store for a few items and a redbox movie (for my “me” time) and get snowed in. This evening I plan to write for longer than the hour I initially allotted myself to write, four days each week.

    Suncera- beautiful name! I have been referring to you as That Writing Chic which is funny when I’m in conversations with non-writers and non-twitterers. I’m Jeneen. Nice to meet you and I look forward to meeting you and this community in person at or near the midpoint of our journey. Its great to start off with something small if you’re not used to “me” time. I hope you chose a great movie!
    I had a trying time personally and professionally during most of 2010 where I did not participate in any activities outside my home except work. So I decided that 2011 is going to be my year to travel (among my other goals). And I will travel if I have to get on a bus, plane, or train alone because this is something I NEED to do for me. But, I need to start small so I told myself that, beginning in February, I will go somewhere on each of my days off. I will start with something small and local such as visiting Temple University’s art gallery just because… just because I never stepped inside of it even while I was a student there or going to a festival that is outside of my “normal” activities and attractions. I plan to work my way up to visiting another country (gonna pick up a passport application on my way home!). I actually would like to go to Prague, Czech Republic (its a long story). For “me” time I plan to step outside of my comfort zone toward my goal of enjoying more of the world. Jetsetter, I am so excited for you. You are able to combine the love of travelling and writing while earning an income! That is great! We do not know each other (yet) but I am proud of you. Keep up the great work! I would love to get to that point someday but until then I will live vicariously through you so keep us posted on your ventures and adventures!

    Shawna Marie, hope the “unplugging” is enjoyable! Its much needed for all of us!


    • You are never too late post – I’m the only one committed to a deadline – lol! That’s too funny, I actually took the pseudonym That Writing Chic to remind myself of who I really am at heart – a writer who likes to have fun! I actually love to travel as well and haven’t taken a vacation in several years – I think I’m going to add that to my 300 steps also! I’m excited about us all getting to meet in person! I kinda/sorta took “me” time – I decided I should run out now to get a few things before the storm hits and then will make sure to unwind with a movie tonight!


    • I got your link on twitter – thank you so much! Unfortunately, I have no documentary experience. However, Production Notices is how I landed my gig on The Celebrity Apprentice and I actually interviewed the site owners on my radio show in my “Getting Back To Work Series” on the episode “So You Wanna Work in Film or Television”.


  3. I feel led to put this up here. The 300 Steps To Greatness to such a blessing and a great way for me to be accountable to work to achieve goals in my daily life. I am a travel writer/blogger/Jetsetter and all of the above and Suncera and I talked about a month ago regarding goals and aspirations. The conversation was so powerful that it caused to me to get on a grind-thrust that I’m not sure I experienced before. From listening to her show on Blog Talk Radio yesterday and reading her article on Rolling out, I was thoroughly encouraged. Today I received an email from a venue in another state to do stay for free and write an article. I’m thoroughly enjoying my journey on “300 Step To Greatness”



    • This is what it’s all about! Encouraging people to pursue their passions and turning dreams into reality! I’m so happy for you Aaron! Keep up the great work, one step at a time!


  4. Blessed morning Sun! (Isn’t it wonderful to have a name that represents the Divine Light that radiates and shines over the entire world?)

    This morning as the Sun began to radiate over me, my first thought was “Hmm, what is one thing that I am going to do today towards accomplishing my dreams?” My second thought was: I need to do something for “me” today towards my goal of self-care because I can’t serve anyone when I’m not taking care of me, my Divine Love Affair with God (in, as, for and with me) and the wonderful partner God has sent to walk with me. That being said, my task today is to unplug from the internet (minus this post and my AM social media updates) so I can be present for the three full meals that I will enjoy, my prayer and meditation moments throughout the day, all of my clients that will entrust me with their inner most thoughts and feelings, and some more quality me time and we time to recharge when I get home.

    Onwards and upwards!


    • I LOVE that we are so often on the same page. (Actually Suncera means morning star!) You know well my struggle with “me” time. I’m going to carve out me time today from 2pm to 4pm. That means no social media, no blogging, no twitter (GASP!) I’m going to pull out a movie and enjoy it or watch mindless TV – just because! That’s gonna be tough for me, but, I’m going to do it. Thanks for the encouragement! You are so right, self-care is essential and I hope that all of those walking with us will be sure to make time for themselves and incorporate that into their daily goals!


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